Mag. Balazs Esztegar LL.M.
Attorney-at-law Vienna

Piaristengasse 41/10
1080 Vienna, Austria
Tel. +43 1 997 4102
Fax +43 1 997 4102-99

Zsofia Farkas MA

Zsofia Farkas MA is assistant to Balazs Esztegar LL.M., Attorney-at-law.



  • since February 2016: University of Vienna, Faculty of Law
  • 2012-2014: Faculty of German Language, Literature and Cultural Studies (linguistics specialization) at the Catholic University of Péter Pázmány, Piliscsaba, Hungary
    Degree: Master of Arts
  • 2010 and 2011: Erasmus scholarship at the University of Stuttgart, Germany
  • 2008-2012: German studies at the Catholic University of Péter Pázmány, Piliscsaba, Hungary 

Work Experience

  • 2015-2016: Assistant at WoAX EasyFirma KG, Vienna
  • 2015: Project assistant at Collegium Hungaricum (Hungarian Institute for Culture of Vienna)
  • 2013-2014: Teaching – German as a foreign language, Studium Akadémia – Norger Consulting Kft., Budapest
  • 2012: Teaching and Training – German as a foreign language, Lingo Group, Budapest

Language skills

  • German
  • Hungarian
  • English

Honours and awards

  • January 2014: Science scholarship of South-East European Foundation, International Relations Quarterly, Budapest
  • 2013: First place for a science project in linguistics (Results of Intercultural Linguistics), Foundation of Előd Halász, Veszprém, Hungary