Mag. Balazs Esztegar LL.M.
Attorney-at-law Vienna

Piaristengasse 41/10
1080 Vienna, Austria
Tel. +43 1 997 4102
Fax +43 1 997 4102-99

How to become Austrian citizen

Lawyer and citizenship law expert Balazs Esztegar explains for the daily newspaper "Der Standard", issue 16.06.2021, the relevant requirements for the granting of Austrian citizenship.

The requirements for the granting of Austrian citizenship are very strict; as strict as in probably only few other European countries. In addition to a certain minimum period of residence in Austria, sufficient knowledge of German language and a secure livelihood are necessary prerequisites for almost every naturalisation. Conversely, judicial convictions, but also comparatively minor administrative penalties can be an obstacle to granting citizenship and thwart access to citizenship despite good integration and sufficient income.

In an interview with Der Standard, Balazs Esztegar, a lawyer specialised in citizenship law, explained the requirements in greater detail. Especially in connection with minor administrative penalties for speeding or parking fines, he criticised the legal situation and the strict case law as disproportionate.

The fact that the Austrian legal situation allows dual citizenship only under very limited possibilities is also briefly mentioned in the article.
