The social media prizes were awarded to the social media presences of lawyers and law firms in two categories: on the one hand, the entire law firm presence was evaluated, and on the other hand, the best posting. Among other things, aspects such as language style, whether a story is told and the recognisable strategy of the presence were taken into account.
In the category "Best Posting", the Vienna law firm of Balazs Esztegar look first place with two posts on its Facebook page.
From the jury's evaluation:
"Two postings by the law firm of Balazs Esztegar led to this first-place ranking: The handwritten modified Christmas greeting card and the selfie from the ski slope. The Christmas card, with a sympathetic, self-deprecating wink, shows closeness, humanity, and strikes exactly the right tone for social media, i.e. a mixture of colloquiality and humour on the one hand, but also indirectly demonstrating professional competence through the use of jargon and technical terms in the handwritten comments on the other. The selfie on the ski slope is one of the few postings in the entire competition that uses elements of storytelling and tension building. It is not too private a glimpse (which would be out of place in a law firm channel), but private enough to create closeness (skiing). The photo and accompanying text put the whole thing well into a professional legal context without being flat."
We feel very honoured - not least in view of the numerous entries submitted - and are delighted to receive this special award.