Mag. Balazs Esztegar LL.M.
Attorney-at-law Vienna

Piaristengasse 41/10
1080 Vienna, Austria
Tel. +43 1 997 4102
Fax +43 1 997 4102-99

Legal tip: From the business idea to the company

The path to self-employment is paved with many questions. Often one is overwhelmed by the number of questions ans topic that have to be dealt with. Lawyer Balazs Esztegar provides answers to some of the particularly important legal questions in a "legal advice" in the Viennese local magazine "der Achte".

"der Achte" is an independent local newspaper with a cultural and lifestyle focus for Vienna's 8th District, Josefstadt. "der Achte" sees itself as a newspaper for the local population, cultural workers and business people and brings the committed public before the curtain. The 04/2021 issue dealt, among other things, with aspects of self-employment. 

Balazs Esztegar as a lawyer with his lawoffice in this very district, explains in a "legal advice" what one should pay attention to when setting up a business. Aspects such as choosing the right legal form and a certain prudence in choosing a company name play a central role. Common mistakes when concluding tenancy agreements for business premises and when hiring employees are also discussed.