In general, the granting of Austrian citizenship requires a legal and uninterrupted residence in the federal territory of at least 6 years. In addition, applicants for citizenship have to fulfil numerous other personal and economic requirements. However, the provision of section 10 para 6 StbG, which is of constitutional rank, contains a special condition of conferral. Several of the otherwise required conditions do not apply,
if the Federal Government confirms that the granting of citizenship is in the special interest of the Republic because of the extraordinary services already rendered by the foreigner and those still to be expected from him.
In these cases, the applicant for citizenship does not have to prove the required duration of residence in Austria, nor the existence of a secure livelihood. Moreover, if naturalisation is in the special interest of the Republic of Austria, he or she may also retain his or her previous nationality, so that as a rule, this conferral of citizenship leads to - perfectly legal - dual citizenship.
The "extraordinary achievements" to be proven by the applicant may have been made in different fields. Sports, arts and science are particularly eligible. But extraordinary achievements in the economic sphere are also conceivable, even though "buying" citizenship is not possible. Austrian citizenship law does not recognise a "golden investment" that is possible in other legal systems.
The Federal Government has to confirm that the granting of citizenship is in the special interest of the Republic of Austria.