The new commentary on the Austrian Citizenship Act, published for the first time at the end of April 2017, is a complete review of the current Austrian citizenship law as well as of the European regulations for Union Citizenship. Published under the auspices of HR Dr. Martin Plunger, Mag. Balazs Esztegar LL.M. and Dr. Helgo Eberwein, it is, at the time of its publication, probably the most comprehensive commentary on the Austrian Citizenship Act, which, in addition to the legal material, is mainly oriented towards the judicature of the highest courts of public law.
The authors and editors are partly active in academic teaching and science, some as practitioners in public authorities or as attorneys-at-law, so that the book covers the individual aspects of citizenship law both from a scientific and a practical point of view.
Attorney-at-law Mag. Balazs Esztegar LL.M. is a co-editor of the commentary on the Austrian Citizenship Act (StbG), himself commenting a total of ten provisions of the StbG, including the provisions on the loss of citizenship by receiving a foreign nationality and on the retention of Austrian citizenship.