As with the presentation of the first edition in 2017, the Vienna Integration Centre provided a venue that was ideally suited both organisationally and thematically to present the work. Interest in the event was already very high in the run-up and the organisers received significantly more registrations than there were places available in the room. In order to enable as many people as possible to take part, the ÖIF organised a live stream so that numerous participants could also join in online.
Dr. Mirela Memic, Head of Values and Orientation Department, welcomed the attendees on behalf of the ÖIF. The editors then presented the 2nd edition of the commentary on the Citizenship Act, which was published by Jan Sramek Verlag at the end of 2023. Dr. Helgo Ebenwein gave an overview of the legal changes made since the first edition and also presented statistical data such as sales figures for the first edition. Dr. Martin Plunger reported on the challenges for the work of the publishers. Lawyer Balazs Esztegar explained the advantages of the commentary and, last but not least, highlighted the role of case law in the further development of citizenship law.
After the book presentation, moderator David Herrmann-Meng led a discussion with the lawyer Balazs Esztegar, who specialises in citizenship law and is also one of the editors of the commentary, and the President of the World Federation of Austrians Abroad, Werner Götz. The discussion focussed on current topics in citizenship law, such as the possibility of dual citizenship for Austrians living abroad, but also the discussion about the possibility of withdrawing citizenship, which has recently received a lot of media attention.
The successful event was rounded off with questions from the audience. After the official part of the event, the participants had the opportunity to talk shop.