Mag. Balazs Esztegar LL.M.
Attorney-at-law Vienna

Piaristengasse 41/10
1080 Vienna, Austria
Tel. +43 1 997 4102
Fax +43 1 997 4102-99


The Immigration Act Amendment Act 2018 (Fremdenrechtsänderungsgesetz 2018, FrÄG 2018), which was…

The football club FK Austria Wien must allow an investor who invested considerable sums in the…

A new correction deduction trap is doing the rounds. Anyone who fills in their details and signs the…

On 16th January 2018, attorney-at-law Balazs Esztegar was a guest in the OktoTV studio and spoke…

The plaintiff, represented by lawyer Balazs Esztegar, concluded a lease agreement for an internet…

On 10th July 2017, the book presentation of Plunger/Esztegar/Eberwein [eds], Kommentar zum…

Shortly after the publication of the commentary on the Citizenship Act co-edited by lawyer Balazs…

The Austrian advertising agency Mandatum, which specialises in marketing for lawyers, evaluated and…

A Hungarian citizen represented by lawyer Balazs Esztegar was expelled from Austria by decision of…

Since 09.01.2016, the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act (AStG) has introduced new arbitration…

On the basis of an appeal to the Administrative High Court brought by lawyer Balazs Esztegar, the…

The Community trade mark, in existence since 1996, has become an unexpected success story of the…

A former managing director of a foreign limited liability company represented by attorney-at-law…

The Alternative Dispute Resolution Act (AStG), which entered into force on 9th January 2016, not…

Some collective agreements contain formal requirements for the termination of the employment…