Mag. Balazs Esztegar LL.M. Attorney-at-law Vienna Piaristengasse 41/10 1080 Vienna, Austria Tel. +43 1 997 4102 Fax +43 1 997 4102-99
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Lawyer and citizenship law expert Balazs Esztegar explains for the daily newspaper "Der Standard",…
The Association of Carinthians Worldwide ("Weltkärntner") held its first thematic conference on…
The Austrian National Council has adopted an amendment to the Austrian Citizenship Act…
The complainant, who was born in Sweden to an Austrian father and a Swedish mother, was an Austrian…
In the case of infringement of copyright claims, the person who has committed the act of…
The Coronavirus situation in Austria has led to extraordinary measures with a major impact on labour…
The Epidemics Act 1950 regulates not only the powers of the authorities in connection with the…
Has Nobel Prize winner Peter Handke lost his Austrian citizenship? This question is currently being…
Due to the recent increase in the number of "cow attacks" in which hikers were injured by grazing…
Since January 2019, it has been possible to register an animated logo as a trade mark. The Austrian…
In connection with a declaratory procedure concerning the loss of Austrian citizenship as a result…
Since last year citizenship law has become an issue that is present in the media. This often leads…
A native-born Austrian who has been living in Thailand for many years wanted to take on Thai…
An over 40 years old Austrian received a letter from the Turkish Consulate asking him to buy his way…
The Immigration Act Amendment Act 2018 (Fremdenrechtsänderungsgesetz 2018, FrÄG 2018), which was…